Song       : Crawling
Artist     : Linkin Park
Album      : Hybrid Theory
Tuning     : low to high Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb (drop D)
Transcribed: Marko R                                   


       |                                                            |
 bass  |-----------3--|------------3|-------------------------------|

Right before the chorus guitar 1 plays

                           m = mute
real fast


There are 2 guitars playing in the chorus:
The firtst plays this with dist and the second with heavy dist.

        D5               Bb5              F5               C5          A5 
 Gtr 1 |-11--11--11--11-|-5---5---5---5--|-10--10--10--10-|-9---9---9--12-|
       |-x---x---x---x--|-x---x---x---x--|-x---x---x---x--|-x---x---x--x--|                             |-9---9---9---9--|-3---3---3---3--|-8---8---8---8--|-7---7---7--10-|
       |note: strum each note 16 times               |                            
       |                                                                  | 
       |                                                                  | 
       |                                                                  | 
 Gtr 2 |----------------|----------------|----------------|---------------|
       note: slide above to the next note

        Crawling in my   skin     these wounds they will not heal
        Fer is how I     fall        confusing     what is real

In the chorus thw Bass plays te same notes as in the verse so go see the verse for chorus 

Play intro again.


The bass plays the verses but you can play it as the low notes off guitar 2's chorus notes 
or like the bass would play it(below), its exactly the same just diffrent posisions.      

        D5               Bb5              F5               C5
 bass  |----------------|----------------|----------------|---------------|

    D5                              Bb5                       F5               C5 
   Theres something inside me that pulls beneath the surface,      consuming,     confusing
   This lack of selfcontrol       I fear is never ending,          controlling    I cant seem

Pre Chorus: (still just bass)

         Bb5               C5              D5        C5     F5
 bass  |----------3------|----------3-----|----------------|---------------|
       to find myself again        my walls are closing in (Without a sense off confidence I'm convinced
                                                            that there's just to much pressure 
to take) 

      Bb5               C5              D5        C5     F5
 bass  |----------3------|----------3-----|----------------|---------------|
       Ive felt this way before so insecure...............................


There are 2 guitars playing in the chorus:
The firtst plays this with dist

        D5               Bb5              F5               C5          A5 
 Gtr 1 |-11--11--11--11-|-5---5---5---5--|-10--10--10--10-|-9---9---9--12-|
       |note: strum fast in 16th notes (each note 16 times)               |                            
       |                                                                  | 
       |                                                                  | 
       |                                                                  | 
 Gtr 2 |----------------|----------------|----------------|---------------|
       note: slide above to the next note

        Crawling in my   skin     these wounds they will not heal
        Fer is how I     fall        confusing     what is real

Verse 2:

Discomfort endlessly pulled itself upon me,        distracting,     reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection,  its haunting,    how I cant seem to..

Pre Chorus

         Bb5               C5              D5        C5     F5
 bass  |----------3------|----------3-----|----------------|---------------|
       to find myself again        my walls are closing in (Without a sense off confidence 
I'm convinced
                                                            that there's just to much pressure
to take) 

      Bb5               C5              D5        C5     F5
 bass  |----------3------|----------3-----|----------------|---------------|
       Ive felt this way before so insecure...............................

Play Chorus again x 2

The outro is the chorus with the intro over it.